Tryouts are around the corner!
Even through the Spring just started, we are looking soon toward summer baseball. Every year we have summer travel baseball with our Williamsport teams. Children are chosen based on tryouts for a competitive summer season. Only little league participants are eligible to tryout and play, and only those children who attend the majority of little league games are eligible to play (attendance is taken and kept track of during the season at little league games for this purpose). The summer season involves daily practices, a seaparate USABL travel season, and a Williamsport season that starts in early June and runs until August. This is a wonderful experience for those who play but a large time committment.
At this time, there are 3 tryouts scheduled. All 3 tryouts are at Meadowbrook Lou Kutroy field.
Sunday April 28th 6-730
Sunday May 5th 6-730
Sunday May 19th 6-730
These tryouts will be help jointly for the current 5th and 6th graders.
If you are interested in trying out please mark your calendars and plan to be there for all 3 dates.